Thursday, April 14, 2011

Jail sentences

In recent years, crimes have increased in many countries, causing fear, insecurity, desires for vengeance in a society that demands the effective participation of competent entities to avoid the crimes and to condemn the delinquents.
In many countries to stop the increase of crimes they use the death penalty in their judicial systems and this is applied in cases such as punishments for crimes of murder, betrayal, or as part of military law. The application of death penalty can decrease crime, prevent its frequency; besides, it can even save lives.
Currently, there are organizations that are opposed to this practice, due to; they think their application is the most extreme denial of human rights, and It does not matter of the crime committed and the characteristics of the delinquent does not exist reason to finish with the life of the convicted person.
As a result of the pronouncement of many organisms of human rights, the death penalty has been abolished in most countries. Unfortunately, there are still 5 countries that implement it as Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore and the United States.
In conclusion, all persons have the duty and right to seek justice when a relative's life has been taken from them without a reason; in addition, I believe that the punishment should be at the level of the crime and besides that I don’t have to respect the life of someone who did not respect the life of some else.

Global warming

             In recent years, we have seen how global warming is affecting our planet; besides, our society and governments aren’t taking steps to avoid this problem. This event is being caused by the increased concentration of greenhouse gases threatens the future of humanity.
            Nowadays, these concentrations of gases are growing rapidly because the world is burning large numbers of fossil fuels, which are destroying the forests that absorb carbon dioxide.
            According to the international scientific community, they believe that if global development, population growth and energy consumption continue to rise, this could cause fatal consequences for our planet.
            On the other hand, the steps we must take as a society to prevent global warming should be to reduce individual transport and promote public transport, reduce domestic energy, respect nature, recycle and use alternative energy sources to reduce this problem.
            In conclusion, we should unite as a society and take the necessary measures to reduce global warming; in addition, parents should raise awareness of their children to protect and preserve our planet with the sole purpose of having a better future.

Process of peace

Nowadays, there are many countries who are taking security measures to prevent conflicts are a threat to peace. These measures they are looking for the political, economic and social needs of a society to restore peace and to prevent renewed conflict.
As part of efforts to restore world peace should be noted that these seek to reduce human suffering. For these efforts are carried out there must be dialogue over violence, to reach a just and peaceful solution, that a voluntary agreement by both parties and to ensure impartiality.
According to the United Nations organization, which have been active in the fight to maintain peace and security of nations, has been working on the development of activities related to disarmament, the establishment and consolidation, with the sole purpose of establishing a secure and lasting peace.
On the other hand, agencies and authorities involved in mediation to end a conflict should have people ethical, professional and they should show their efficiency in the processes to achieve peace and to create hope for a better future.
In summary, to live in a world free of conflicts and wars we should unite with the sole purpose of building and consolidating a just and lasting peace in which predominates the respect and protection of human rights and social justice.

Causes of poverty

Poverty has existed for a long time, and it remains in the world even in this century 21. This is a social problem, which is a deep lesion that infects every area of culture and society.

Poverty means low income members of society, including the lack of benefits to communities as water, sewerage, roads, transport and communications, in addition, deprivation of access to services like education, markets and health.

There are many factors that cause it, as population growth, natural disasters and unemployment. Every day, we see there are cities that are overcrowded, where each year there are more births, and also food prices have increased, which it can help to deteriorate it more.

On the other hand, to reduce the poverty all governments should create more employment opportunities and improve the education to reduce the poverty levels, and also try to give proper resource utilization, which should be used properly, so we can have the benefits.

In conclusion, we can say that governments should create an effective plan of resources utilization, which is equitable and efficient, where the resources can generate more benefits in favor poorer people.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mental care and emotional health

314 west 36th street
San Jose, CR 10018

Melissa Céspedes, M.D
San Jose, CR 90080

Dear Miss Céspedes:

I am a business administration student at ULACIT. I am doing research about mental care and emotional health. I hope you will be kind enough to answer a few questions. Can you please tell me what mental health is? I would like to know if the mental health is the same that emotional health; so can you tell me what the areas in which, I can pay attention to have good emotional health. Besides, I would also appreciate detailed information concerning methods and recommendations of learning techniques.
I look forward to hear from you. 
Yours faithfully
Gabriela Acuña

Monday, April 11, 2011

Globalization of infectious diseases

The infectious diseases are a global problem and these days there is few efficiency of the measures of control because of the governments. This problem appears most of the times in developing countries; nevertheless, it’s also a problem in developed countries.
Among the most frequent infectious diseases that we can mention are: the infections of respiratory tract, the HIV, the diseases diarreicas, the tuberculosis, the malaria, the infections of sexual transmission, the meningitis and the fastidiousness. These diseases are generated by factors just as the overpopulation of cities, the massive migration and instead of decrease they are more in force.
 These diseases are not exclusive of a region of the world. The globalization and the availability of means of transport allow that the infectious agents cross big distances causing the contagion to many persons.
As a matter of fact the lack of a managing adapted on the part of the governments and a safety problem more that of public health, these diseases can destroy the economies of the countries because these will increase the problem of the unemployment and reduce the social stability.
Finally, to reduce the increase of infectious diseases, the governments must give the importance needed of enable a preventive culture in all the social levels in order to stop and to mitigate as far as possible the risks derived from the globalization.

Ethnic conflicts

In recent years, our planet has been disturbed by the gradual emergence and proliferation of ethnic conflicts that intimidate the permanence and integrity of a great number of states that far from increase and reaffirm them generate a cycle of violence that claim the lives of a lot of people in many countries.
Conflicts are not generated naturally because there are ethnically distinct groups of people but by the border and territorial issues, governmental policies, by a feeling of deprivation, caused by a lack of an ethnic group to be overcome in economic terms political or demographic, for changing access to economic resources, political or collective movement of workers and refugees, who avoid the economic, social or political harm to their countries.
When you discriminate against people of power, heritage, equity, of the cultural equality and human dignity due to their ethnic characteristics, it’s important to say that it violates their rights as citizens and because of this exclusion would generate conflicts which lead to protests and strikes, increasing the aggression and violence among the population, spread terrorism and in some cases generate wars.
As a result, there has been considered, that these events do not reach the solution, due to many important elements disintegrate the economy and society; in addition, it does not create conditions for cooperation between countries.
Finally, we have seen that attempts are still made in both, the national and international environment to prevent conflicts or confrontations; besides, that an effort continues being done for finding solutions, that respect human rights and the democratic process, and in case of not being found, it will continue happening on different continents propitious situations for the emergence of conflicts.

Human rights and domestic violence

It is understood that domestic violence is a historical phenomenon, which it have greater visibility throughout the history of humanity. To the extent that episodes of violence are becoming public and its consideration is beyond the private area, it is given rather than a social problem to prevent, to help victims and punish the perpetrators.
According to the Convention on the Prevention, Punishment and Eradication of Violence against Women defines this as a specific form of violence stemming from the historically unequal power relations between women and men. Reads: "must be understood as any action or conduct, based on gender, which causes death or physical, sexual or psychological harm to women, both in public and private (CMF 1997, p 10).
Domestic violence, in any form and in both the public and private, is a violation of human rights and it should be considered a health priority public. Knowledge of the factors involved in the problem of violence and the impact on health and economy are necessary for defining policies, programs and activities designed to introduce corrective and to develop strategies to reduce their impact on population health.
A viable political defense of human rights should review the issue from a global perspective, pointing to create an area of justice to strengthen those who suffer from these situations in order to allow public participation and the change in power relations and the awareness of all people in order to preserve and restore the values of respect, equity and solidarity.
Therefore, it must transform the law by incorporating a gender perspective more than speech, so that the interests and needs women are taken into account from a more inclusive, equitable and democratic in its meaning, as applied in its interpretation and teaching methods.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Causes and effects of globalization

Nowadays, there are phenomena that hurt to one person, a single state to a region, but the phenomenon of globalization harms and involves a large number of people and activities in most parts of the world.
This phenomenon called globalization can be defined as growth of political, economic and social frontiers where the resolutions and activities in one area influence other regions.
Globalization as a worldwide phenomenon causes the increase of the economic opening movements , allows a growth of international trade in goods and services, provides increased transportation and communication, and in addition, it allows major labor mobility.
In the last years, globalization has both positive and negative effects for a large number of countries and people to increase their welfare or decreasing it.
Among the positive effects that globalization produces we can mention that it contributes to the economic increase of the countries, allows the incorporation of new technologies and makes possible the integration of developing countries to international markets.
 In the other hand, among the negative effects we can mention that produces a strong environmental deterioration, there is a growing inequality between countries and individuals, generates to higher unemployment and growth of ignorance or disrespect of cultures from undeveloped countries.
In conclusion, we can mention that globalization has its pros and cons, and this phenomenon can produce an unjust natural distribution and over-exploitation of resources generating more benefits in developed countries and causing a social injustice where the poor become poorer.


Currently, we are mentioned by various media that terrorism continues provoking pain and agony to large numbers of people; besides, this is causing the loss of thousands of people around the world.
Precisely there is no week in which there exists somewhere on the planet an act of terrorism that harms in an indiscriminate way innocent people for the simple fact of being in the improper place and moment.
This phenomenon is characterized by the use of acts or threats of violence against persons or groups to change the result of a political process increasing the fear in the communities on which the violence goes.
According to the United Nations, which have been active in the fight against terrorism in order to eliminate this threat and to ensure respect for human rights and intensify the capacity of states to combat this phenomenon.
The fight against terrorism implies political and economic commitment to give a reasonable solution to situations of domination, injustice and discrimination as an international community where all are actively involved with the sole purpose of preventing, combating and eradicating terrorism always and when human rights are respected.